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четвртак, 1. мај 2014.

Други Стартап Викенд (Startup Weekend) у Београду биће организован од 9. до 11. маја на Краљевском Двору -The second Startup Weekend in Belgrade will be held from 9 to 11 May at the Royal Palace

Други Стартап Викенд (Startup Weekend) у Београду биће организован од 9. до 11. маја на Краљевском Двору а, овакви догађаји су до сада организовани у преко 100 земаља широм света и кроз њих је прошло преко 50.000 предузетника.

Стартап Викенд (Startup Weekend) у Београду организује српска Краљевска породица Карађорђевић, а Фондација Престолонаследника Александра за културу и образовање је све активнија у пружању подршке српском стартап екосистему.
Више информација о предстојећем стартап викенду можете пронаћи на сајту

www.belgrade.startupweekend.org или путем фејсбук странице


The second Startup Weekend in Belgrade will be held from 9 to 11 May at the Royal Palace. Such events have so far been organized in over 100 countries around the world with over 50,000 entrepreneurs that participated in them.

The Startup Weekend in Belgrade, organized by Serbian Royal Family Karadjordjevic and HRH Crown Prince Alexander’s Foundation for Culture and Education is increasingly active in supporting Serbian startup ecosystem .
You can find more information about the upcoming startup weekend on the site or via

www.belgrade.startupweekend.org facebook page


MAY 9            2014

How about finally realizing that startup idea of yours in 54 hours?

How about finally meeting that designer, that developer and that marketing guy/girl you always wanted/needed… And having fun in the process!

And all this at The Royal Palace!

More than 100 participants did this last year, this May is an opportunity for you!

After last year’s phenomenal success, the long awaited 2nd Belgrade Startup Weekend is here. Last event created 14 companies and there were even those that received funding afterwards.

More than 100 participants did this last year, this May is an opportunity for you!

After last year’s phenomenal success, the long awaited 2nd Belgrade Startup Weekend is here. Last event created 14 companies and there were even those that received funding afterwards.

Get ready for a weekend of meeting new people, exchanging ideas, building teams, sharing and collaborating on the next big thing!

That is what the 2nd Belgrade Startup Weekend is all about!

We give you everything you need, great venue, awesome food & drinks and most importantly, experienced coaches to answer all your questions no matter how simple or difficult they are.

We’re also packing several nice prizes for the winners – that is, the best startup ideas as seen by our judges.

Don’t miss out, the space is limited. And don’t forget it’s not just any space – it is The Royal Palace!


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